Surviving as a Small Business During a Pandemic

Like the rest of the world, we have spent the past few months trying to figure out how we navigate these new business channels while keeping our doors open and our employees working.  Our hope in resurrecting our monthly newsletter is to consolidate some of the information that we receive, as well as providing efficient resources for Small Businesses, to help support you through this time.  

Since March, my inbox has been blowing up with unsolicited advertisements, the likes of which I have never seen before.  These solicitations range from debt collections services to applying for a PPP Loan to QR codes. Do you know what a QR code is and why you would need one? The downside for the increase in unsolicited emails is that they are getting in the way of us responding to our small business partners as quickly as we should be.  The upside is that we have been invited to many interesting and productive online meetings and webinars that have shown us how to pivot into a socially distant company that provides assistance to small contractors. 

We have noticed an increase in attendance at our webinars.  We get it.  You have unlimited time right now and want to remain productive. You’re wisely using the uninterrupted time you have to study and research how to make your company better, more viable and profitable.  We are doing the same thing.

We have included many Small Business resources in this newsletter to help you.  The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is a great example of funding that will help you to bridge the financial gap you might be experiencing.  Another is the Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL).  

We have also created online office hours on our Contact Us page.  You can schedule a time to talk to me about your business, business planning, business goals or anything you’d like.  Like you, we are doing our best to stay connected while we are working from home.

Please stay safe and sane during these difficult times.  This will all be over soon enough!